Seeing True – Ninety Contemplations in Ninety Days By Ronald Chapman


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Seeing True is that which lies on the other side of our blindness; and the only path out of blindness is learning to see.

Here is a clear guide laid out in easy to follow day by day steps for examining your life and ultimately, transforming it. Bravo!
Sean Murphy
Author, One Bird, One Stone: 108 American Zen Stories and The Hope Valley Hubcap King

Clarity is an aspect of love, it is seeing clearly. Ron Chapman sees with those eyes. He pays attention as few do to the miracles around us.
Stephen Levine
Author, Who Dies?, Gradual Awakening and Unattended Sorrow

This book is an excellent resource for teachers, ministers, sponsors, coaches and others that are called to teach truth.
Reverend Pat Williamson
Minister, Unity Christ Church

Ron Chapman’s contemplations help improve our vision, so we can see what was there all along. Simple or profound, these stories have the ability to move us. Whether the stories leave you awestruck or humbled, to witness Spirit in action in these anecdotes is to be part of the miracle of transformation.
Dianne Kozdrey Bunnell
Author, The Protest

This book is a great choice for anyone who enjoys daily contemplative self-exploration.
The Five Elements Women’s Group
Albuquerque, NM

With his characteristic humor and humility, Ron Chapman honors the great mysteries of life and spirit. His up-close-and-personal meditations inspire a sense of wonder, open the heart to wisdom, and point the way to possibility, potential, and power – one meditation at a time.
Julie Mars
Author, A Month of Sundays and Anybody Any Minutes

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