Daly, Carolyn Greer

Carolyn grew up in Washington D.C., where the National Mall was her playground.

After her marriage she moved to Maryland where she taught 8th grade Sunday school in a Methodist Church for several years.  During that time, after experiencing a dark night of the soul, she began a personal search for truth that led to automatic writing and a lifetime devoted to spiritual exploration through her writing that led to many spiritual adventures.  She has shared her experiences by giving talks and workshops on her book Opening to Fullness of Spirit, reading, facilitating a book study group, focusing on the works of Paul Selig, and taking classes at Unity Church of Charlottesville, where she is an active member.

She is currently an associate editor of Awareness: exploring spirituality, an all beliefs inclusive publication dedicated to expanding spiritual paths through professionally written articles and columns.

Here is a link for a two part interview with Carolyn.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpmi0pAML2c  another video with Journey Time with Carolyn talking about her automatic writing.




Please see the “EVENTS” page for any upcoming events.

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