Reconnecting to the Earth By Aaron Hoopes


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In this book I intend to take you on a journey of self-discovery. It is not always an easy path, but we have reached a point where action is required if we as a species are going to continue to live on this planet. I have no intention of talking about what’s going to happen if you don’t follow these practices or rehash the same old “fear porn” about how everyone’s going to die if the whole world doesn’t rally together. There is plenty of that out there already. The direction this book takes is toward something much more positive. This journey will take some discipline and integrity. There may be some difficulty and struggle along the way. However, as you reconnect with the Earth, you will feel the changes taking place within you . . . and that can change the world.

This book is separated into four sections. The first chapter is basically a wake-up call discussing the difficulties we are facing. It is a realistic assessment of our current situation and a vital first step on the path to reconnecting with the Earth. The second chapter provides a deeper understanding as to how we got into this predicament and the underlying framework of our society that has led us to this point. The third chapter is about changing the narrative we live in so that we can begin to shift our physical, mental, and spiritual beings toward a sustainable relationship with the Earth. The final chapter provides seven sets of seven fundamental guidelines for creating your own personal practice for reconnecting with nature, the Earth, and yourself.

If you are just beginning to become aware that there is something fundamentally wrong with what is happening to the planet, I recommend starting from the beginning to get the full picture. It may not be what you want to hear, but it is important to understand where we are starting from. If you have picked up this book because you are already aware of the huge problems we face as a society and civilization, I would recommend skimming the first two chapters and heading for the second half of the book. While the discussion of how bad things are cannot be left out, the exercises and practices for dealing with it are much more important to the process of reconnecting ourselves to the Earth.

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