Holy Ice By Paulinne Delcour–Min



This is a book about the crystal skulls, and about past lives and their stories. It is the journey of a soul, mine. I am a past life therapist and when Native American elders brought crystal skulls to England on the Wolf Song tour in 1998, I knew I had to have a private sitting with the ancient quartz skull known as Sha Na Ra. I asked the skull a question about my life and my future, and it showed me the answer in a picture that appeared deep within its crystal. The picture was detailed and sharp.

So the mysterious things I’d read about the skulls were true!

And if they were true, that meant the legend of the crystal skulls was worthy of research—using my skills with past life recall. Regression has been my passion for over thirty years now, and the legend troubled me, because it runs like this:

 Native American legends tell of thirteen ancient crystal skulls, the size of human skulls, which hold information vital for the very survival of the human race at a pivotal point in time—and though they’ve been scattered and hidden, one day they will be brought back together to save us from disaster.

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