Psycho-Spiritual Healing (Physio-Spiritual Alignment and Reprogramming [PsAR] in China)
Venue: Live Stream with Final Workshop in Beijing
Contact Leo Via
WeChat ID: yourleoz
Email: Leo via [email protected]
Next Cohort starts on January 5th 2023
I am now a “Fellow” of the Complimentary Medical Association in the UK. (https://www.the-cma.org.uk/)
This is the link to my profile page
My Healing College which is registered with them. The Healing course is a registered and recognised course.
Below is a list of the interviews I have this year to date together with the links for people to download the info.
- Interview with Dr Jason Loken, Téa Shahbazi & Inspire Health Team on Spiritual Detoxification on 02 June 2022. We talk about addressing Karma and “low frequency” Thoughts Behaviours and Actions as a means to Spiritually Detox! https://youtu.be/1e1UuNRjvsw
- Interview with Brian Ruhe of The Brian Ruhe Show Saturday 14th August 2021. I give my lecture on What are Aliens and Where Do They Come From, plus 30 mins of Q&A. This is in 2 parts, The Lecture and The Q&A.
- Interview with Brian Ruhe of The Brian Ruhe Show Saturday 4th September 2021. We have a long Q&A Session in 2 parts; Tuning into Higher Frequencies – Q & A with Guy Needler
- Interview with Matjaz Kulovic From the “All That Jazz” Show on 12th May 2022. YouTube link Here. We talk about Predetermination, Difficult Experiences and Direction of Mankind.
- Interview with Cynthia from Everything 17 Universes. Recorded 24 July 2022. We discuss everything. Youtube link Here.
- My Interview with Dr Jason Loken, Téa Shahbazi & Inspire Health Team on 19th October 2022 @drjasonlokenND on the #InspireHealthPodcast. We talk about addressing The Illusion of Free Choice: A Return to Mastering Your Own Life! Watch my episode here: https://youtu.be/5xl_NJ2oL_M
Here is the link to my total Interview Page on my website
This is the link to my Workshop Page on my website
This is the link to my Lectures Page on my Website
Right below is the info on the workshop. See the College link https://www.the-cma.org.uk/Colleges/Aquarian-Age-2192/
Aquarian Age is a College by Beyond The Source. Beyond the Source is copywrite Guy Steven Needler
Aquarian Age offers 4 main courses.
1. Psycho-Spirituo Alignment and Reprograming (PsAR – China) Also known as Psycho-Spiritual Healing (PSH – Rest of World) “A CMA Accredited Course”
There are 22 modules taught.
They are:
1. Creating a Psychic Shield – needed to protect the healer
2. Physiology and Anatomy (personal research, homework and examination)
3. Energy and Vibrational Healing – How to Perform a Chelation
4. The Aura – The Human Energy Field – How to Repair it
5. What are Energy Hooks – How to Remove them
6. What is Astral Mucus How to Clear It
7. What are the Chakras – Chakra Repair, Reconstruction, Replacement
8. Organ or Body Part Reconstruction and Energy Template Replacement/Repair
9. Past Life Trauma Healing (and Link Removal)
10. Psychic Surgery – An Offer of Help, A Request for Help, Copying a Psychic Surgeon
11. Astral Entities Astral Entity Examples and Removal
12. Hara Line Healing/Realignment/Disconnections/ Crossed Hara Lines
13. Virus Clearing
14. Removing Foreign Objects – from the Auric Layers, Energy Templates & Chakras
15. Spine cleansing
16. Brain Balancing and Clearing
17. Removing Karmic Links
18. Psychological Issues as a Function of a Higher Frequency Incarnation (ADHD, ADD), Hyper Activity, Impulsiveness, Inattentiveness & Bi Polarism
19. Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
20. Walk-Ins – Removal & Compartmentalisation
21. Psycho-Spiritual Re-Programming & how to perform it
22. Bespoke Healing
The module content is spread over four levels, each of which consists of four days, four times a year. Progression though the modules is sequential.
How Long Will it Take to Complete the Course and What Prior Experience is Necessary?
This course is taken over one year with the possibility to take two years if requested due to the intensity of the workload and demand on the student.
We can take up to 65 students but anticipate between 20 and 40.
No previous qualification required although experience of meditation and visualisation is useful. A desire to be a healer is a necessary component.
How Many Times Per Year is the Course Run?
Once per year.
What Qualification will I Receive?
Students will receive a “Certificate” in Physio-Spiritual Alignment and Reprograming (PsAR – China due to naming convention directives), also known as Psycho-Spiritual Healing (PSH – Rest of World) if three levels completed.
If four levels (Psycho-Spiritual content) are completed they will receive a “Diploma” in Physio-Spiritual Alignment and Reprograming (PsAR – China), also known as Psycho-Spiritual Healing (PSH – Rest of World).
Eventually, those students that attend two further years of courses can assist in teaching.
Two years of assisting in teaching results in the student being awarded “Master” status and will be allowed to teach within the confines and directive of the school.
Will I be able to Gain CMA Membership as a Result of This Course?
Students can register with the CMA as Student Members.
Graduates will be eligable to apply for Full Membership and use the title Member of the Complimentary Medical Association (MCMA).
How is the Course Delivered?
The course is delivered via four methods during the year.
1. Pre-course work for each level which includes an examined module on Physiology and Anatomy
2. Video conference attendance for the lectures and practical work for the first three levels, each of which are held over 4 days. Levels are taught in January, April, July and November.
3. Homework consisting of academic, practical (healing of family and friends, 24 recorded healings are required in between each level) and personal introspective psycho-spiritual analysis in between levels. Core texts are Psycho-Spiritual Healing – Guy Steven Needler, Hands of Light & Light Emerging – Barbara Anne Brennan), The Undefended Self – Susan Thesenga
4. Personal attendance at the level 4 workshop in November which includes lectures, practical work and a final examination. As the course is based in China (but available world-wide) personal attendance is either in Beijing, or another suitable city such as Shanghai, Kunming or Dali.
5. Weekly Home work and Q&A sessions via video link
All students are required to attend each of the four-day video conferences for each of the first three levels. A record of attendance is maintained.
Attendance at a weekly homework review via the video conference required. Here, the next weeks home work is explained together with explanations for the previous weeks’ homework together with an open forum Q&A session. A record of attendance is maintained.
Level 4 demands physical attendance.
Types of Assessment
1. Results from the practical homework are presented, discussed and commented on, together with corrective advice and encouragement.
2. Results from the academic/psycho-spiritual introspection homework are presented, discussed and commented on, together with corrective advice and encouragement.
3. A final examination of practical and academic/psycho-spiritual knowledge is taken in the afternoon of day four in level four.
4. Anatomy and Physiology is examined based upon 80% correct answers to a A&P questionnaire.
5. Re-accreditation is achieved every 3 years by free attendance of at least 50% of the course content. This maintains the standard and removes the potential for dilution.
The course starts each January.
2. Basic Chelation (BC – Started 2021) which is a stand alone component of the PsAR/PSH course available as a 1 day seminar.
3. Creating a Psychic Shield (PS – started 2017) which is a stand alone component of the PsAR/PSH course available as a 1 day seminar.
4. Traversing the Frequencies Meditation (TTFm – started 2012) which is a personal development course designed to teach the student how to project their consciousness into the frequencies that create the multiversal environment and comminicate with the entities there and commune with our creator.
Contact Guy via [email protected] for details